Briefing Twitter

Create a Twitter account
• Create a Twitter account
• Personalize it by creating a Twitter Background
Develop a Twitter Landing Page on your Blog/Website
What is a Twitter Landing Page?
• In short – a twitter landing page is a page on your blog or website that is specifically written for those arriving at your blog having clicked on the link in your twitter profile.
Why Develop a Twitter Landing Page?
• The idea behind a landing page is that it can be tailored to suit the audience who arrives on it.
My Twitter Landing Page
• designed simply to give more information and a relatively quick introduction into who I am and where people can find out more about the different aspects of what I do. It includes:
• A prominent personal picture – the same one as my Twitter avatar which hopefully reinforces the brand.
• My story – a very brief version of my blogging story – with a link where they can read an extended version
• Introductions to my blogs – links to where people can read more of my content
• A call to follow me on Twitter and introduction to what people get if they do
• Introductions to my other projects
In addition to that personalize the page so that people know it is written specifically for Twitter users in the hope that this personalization will make them feel a little more personally welcomed.
Extend this Idea
Of course Twitter Landing Pages are just the tip of the social media iceberg. Extend it further by creating Facebook Landing Pages, LinkedIn Landing Pages, Plurk Landing Pages, Digg Landing Pages and more.